Friday 12 July 2013

250 Words: Shifting shadows

Shifting shadows wander in the pitch dark.  Freed from the light that anchors and keeps them tethered to physical objects, they stalk the earth following people home and standing over their beds as they sleep, unaware of watching eyes.  Shifting shadows seek an unbiased view and watch life on their own terms to see what it might be like.  In cupboards they hide and listen, praying with all their might for the doors to stay closed.  Or under floorboards for days on end, experiencing through sound every nuance of human life and emotion.  Anywhere where light cannot bind them and drag them around they lurk hoping to learn something new.  Something
about the lives they cannot have thanks to their crippling curse.

Shifting shadows wonder how it got this bad.  When, and what, they did wrong to find themselves here.  Disenfranchised, disembodied nothings becoming one with darkness to grope toward the light.  They know only the dreams that motivate them.  Dreams of life and love in the daylight, twilight, moonlight and the dawn's light.  Shifting shadows are a part of the darkness moving unseen by the life they crave if only because it is denied them by circumstance and creation’s cruel hand.  

Shifting shadows wander, wonder, keep moving, keep searching to find and learn answers to their questions.  Finding and following clues to find that great treasure: the secret of life itself.  How to live outside shadow, free from shame and able to
function as all they watch and follow.

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