Friday, 4 April 2014

100 Words: Studio Lights

The crew called it heat but I always called it warmth, the same effect that the orange of the set was no doubt meant to give.  They called one of the lights Ollie too, thought it looked like a serpent- I saw them more as pilot fish, but pretty.  The only light for me in a world otherwise dark; for only there would I come to life, only there was I alive for those watching at home on their couches:

Basking ever in that warmth and reflecting it out to the people: their Anchor, their Herald, their Mercury of News.  

Written for Friday Fictioneers, in response to this photo:
Studio Lights from Kent


  1. Ollie - a great name for a snakey-looking light! It's a shame your narrator only felt he/she could come alive in front of the camera.

    1. I should admit that I stole the name from the man who took the photo:

  2. Dear Jim,

    Interesting take on prompt and the morning news crew. Nicely written.



  3. Good story. Morning news crews do spend part of their day in a dark world even before the sun rises. Evening news crews spend part of their day in evening dark. The studio lights are the only ones they spend their time with. Well done.
