Tuesday 29 April 2014

100 Words: Spa Spiral

When I first entered a sauna, long ago, still nervous about exposing my body to strangers and sitting all sweaty between them; I inhaled the menthol an experienced user had poured on the coals and started to feel relaxed. 

Though it was a few years before I returned, it was that smell memory that took me back once the business had started to become stressful.  

It’s become a weakness over time, as my power grew I visited more, lured by menthol.  It’s a weakness though, made me predictable.  I fear my last breath will be infused by my own blood.

Written for 100 Word Challenge #376 on Velvet Verbosity; the prompt was the word Inhaled.


  1. scent is powerful, isn't it? :)

  2. Smell is the once sense I don't take for granted often. It is tied to so many memories and is part of my everyday, from shower gels and hairsprays, spritzes on my pulse points and the scent of my pillows.

    this felt like that, as if his whole world started to revolve around that one scent.

    I liked this.
