Monday 1 July 2013

250 Words: Praying for rain

It’s 3AM on a stormy summer’s night and a man sits naked on his plastic garden furniture.  Despite a chill in the air he sweats, the skin on his back glistening in the light coming from the house as he prays for rain to wash away the remaining stains of what he has done.

The body has already been buried with colonies of maggots and worms to strip it to the bones he will later burn and crush.  But across the lawn from the last place she was alive to her grave is a dark tell-tale trail.  And so he prays for rain to dissolve the coagulation and remove those sticky marks, let them be swallowed by the earth as well.  He prays quietly and under his breath to God, the Devil, the unseen stars and moon, to anything and anyone that comes to mind.  Or else the morning light will reveal his night time deeds not just to the cold realities of day but the mutual friends expected later.

A distant rumble of thunder and the rain starts to fall on his skin and lawn’s bloody mess.  As it runs over his naked body soothing the shifts in his soul, he can feel an insane smile prick at the corners of his mouth.  But above this he already knows his eyes are bloodstained and can feel the fear that will always reside deep in them as he waits every day of his life for the knock at the door.

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