Saturday 2 February 2013

Myths of our Solar System (1): Helios, the centre of our solar system

Before This World existed there was another that preceded it known as the First World.
Some of its inhabitants carried on from one to the other- some in the same form, while
many adopted new ones and others still were banished or destroyed during The Chaos or
soon after.

Helios was always at the centre of the parties that defined much of the First World. He
was the lynchpin of every event and around his life these throngs and the people who
populated them seemed to revolve. He had a wink and a word for everyone and from that
central dot drinks were always forthcoming to fuel the engines and keep the gathering in

Even as the First World collapsed Helios kept the minds of its inhabitants apathetic to
the increasingly dire situation- a state he initially hoped he would be able to keep them in
forever. Always drunk, always happy.

Then, as his guests disappeared into the wastes one by one and Helios realised his
immortality would probably end soon, he carried on, desperate to end on a high and for
this last party to have been the greatest anyone had ever seen.

Helios was seen, right at the end, still trying to rally revellers about him, still trying to fill
glasses with wine before his boundless energy, his great attraction, was reconditioned and
altered. His immortality was renewed and Helios was placed on high, remaining the bright
centre he had always been, burning for all time, bringing light and therefore contributing to
life throughout This World and those surrounding her.

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