Tuesday 19 February 2013

Attempts to Capture and Tame a Unicorn: (1) Getting Started, Part One: Ideas

Brainstorming was where it all started.  (Once the decision had been made to go ahead, naturally).  Intense brainstorming; listing the ways I could capture the unicorn, most of which I was forced to use.

I watched Roadrunner cartoons religiously for practical ideas (the plans that might work in the real world and wouldn‘t cause instant death).  I read Danny the Champion of the World and looked into the world of myths and legends too, really did my research: honing ideas from everywhere to meet my needs.  

I went on the internet, asked the opinion of self-professed “experts.”  “Twerps,“ I call them.  As if a unicorn would go for ice cream or that a small child would help.  Some people forget these are wild creatures.  Magical, mayhap, but wild all the same.

Mainly, though, I just sat and thought..  Came up with all the ideas I could dream up.  Even went down into the garage to see what I already had out there that might be useful, allowing different objects to set my mind on fire, letting it run and run.

Once the initial list was formulated I went to a great big hardware store, among other shops, to stock up on ropes and nails and wood and tools and all sorts of the things I would need for the task (and trials) ahead.  And oats.  Lots of oats, of course.  Oooh, and I bought a Transit that would become my centre of operations - converting parts of it into a store - and possible cage - converting the rest into a Unicorn box.

All that was left was the setting.

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