Friday 16 May 2014

100 Words: The Land Beyond the Wall

We weren’t allowed past the wall, it was very frustrating.  Beyond lay acres of unexplored woodland full of trees to climb, fruits and nuts to pick, conkers aplenty and all the things young children love.  

But piggy Mr Silverwater, the owner of most of the lands round here, forbade it.  Such a tiny wall, though, it was so tempting… 

The stories, though, stopped us.  Those of pits, their bottoms lined with sharp stakes; man traps; men with guns (you would hear them go off every so often)...

All to protect a well, they say, the very source of Silverwater wealth.

Written for the Light and Shade Challenge from the following picture prompt: 

Lyssa Medana


  1. That would make the idea of crossing that wall even more tempting!! Great story in so few words! ♥

  2. Good take. Very well written.

  3. Like having a haunted house in the neighborhood - only spookier!

  4. An almost mythic boundary - and a well that is a source of wealth! That would be worth risking the wall for... perhaps. Excellent work.

  5. I think that is a very acute observation of a source of wealth. Beautiful description of the woods. Lyssa M x

  6. How many have breached the wall? How many have not been seen again? Like a bogeyman tale, nicely told!
