Friday 9 May 2014

100 Words: The Final Indignity

I have suffered many indignities in my time: I’ve been driven into stacks of tins, had children weeing on my seat, I’ve been abandoned in the car park in rain, hail, sleet and snow, been crushed together with the others, wheeled around and dumped roughly in sheds.  I’ve been taken away and left in streets for days on my side, been ridden down hills by spotty teenage thrill seekers followed by a stint as a homeless man’s storage facility.

And now I am here and here I shall stay I should think- no one ever comes back from this fate.  

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt:
Copyright -B. W. Beacham
Copyright -B. W. Beacham


  1. It's a sad life. As if getting weed on wasn't enough.

    Mine is here

  2. Dear Jim,

    Ah the sad life of the shopping cart, particularly those kids peeing in his seat. Interesting POV.



  3. Good job on the POV of a shopping cart. I imagine they would have some rather horrific and sad stories.


  4. Jim, Sad story with a touch of humor from the POV of a shopping cart. I'm optomistic though that someone will come to the poor cart's rescue. :) Good story and well written. :)

