Tuesday 20 August 2013

Attempts to Capture and Tame a Unicorn: (55) The Final Plan

I always knew the final plan would come one day, I suppose.  When I got her home I thought it had happened.  Never did I dream how horribly the last plan would go.  Or be, even.  I started out all wide-eyed.  Now they were bloodshot, watering and irritable.

The wound from the unicorn’s horn had healed by the time I got back to the van.  However, though my movement wasn't inhibited in any way and I felt no stiffness at all, there was a constant pain deep inside my shoulder.  It was a living hell.  No painkillers would work and I couldn't really go to the doctor complaining about a magical ailment.

It drove me fucking mad over the following week.  I was snapping at people left, right and centre.  Whether it was my superiors wanting figures, my mother on the phone or just people asking how I was.  They didn't laugh at work that week.  They just stared at me after I was gone and signalled their concern to one another by nodding at my back and shaking their heads.

I thought I would return to the clearing the next weekend and get her back good and proper - and capture her for good or ill.  Most things had stopped mattering to me now.  All I felt was pain and I sought to end it and this unicorn fucking nonsense.  Which was probably just in my head anyway.

I entered the clearing in costume again, this time as a matador with a red rag in hand.  She was still mad for once - something I had hoped for so that she might charge.  And how she did.  At first in anger then, slowly, more and more for the sheer hell of it, getting a buzz out of it.  That was how she let her guard down enough.  She stopped really paying attention to where she was going, running at me with her head down.  And so I began edging my way towards the edge of the clearing.  Before long I was lifting the rag to reveal the trunk of a tree too close for her to avoid.

Now, originally, my plan had been a bitter one - to leave her there after a period of piss taking.  And I did laugh manically for a bit at her looking quite foolish, her horn half stuck in a tree.  But only for a short while.  I went on to pretend to take pity and told her I would help her out, for that plan had changed to one of kidnap.  For which I had a trick hidden closely by.

Not far away was the old trusty sudoku-othello board.  I wheeled it up alongside her and produced a big tub of glue telling her what I planned to do with it as I used a brush to slop it all over our old game station.  I told her that if man made items were able to stop magic then I felt her hooves encased in glue and stuck to a bit of board on wheels should do the job very nicely indeed. 

Once done with my monologue I pulled the cart so it was positioned behind the unicorn and then pushed it up against her hind legs, forcing them into the air and onto their place upon the cart.  They slid along nicely until I stopped and allowed them to set.

The plan was then going to be to saw off her horn and wheel her away.  The bits I would need to set her free were at home waiting to be used upon our return.  It was close to the most horrible plan I could have conceived, I thought (someone had once suggested a landmine).  But it seemed justified.  The pain in my shoulder was more or less driving me to it, convincing me that this was what she wanted.

The unearthly screech that was soon emanating from the unicorn's lungs and throat told me otherwise.  Smoke carrying with it a terrible stench was coming from her hooves which were bubbling.  The unicorn screamed and my mind was filled with images of her muggle cousins being boiled down at the knackers yard and yelling to me for clemency.  "Help me," Boxer mouthed, his throat failing as it filled with blood that foamed out of his mouth; a bloodshot eye looking into mine and petitioning for intervention.

And all I could think to do was run.  If I ran it wouldn't be happening.  Nothing could be real if I couldn't see or hear it.

So I tore my eyes and ears away and turned around to leave.  And instead encountered the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.  She was completely clad in green.

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