Friday 16 August 2013

250 Words: On a street corner in Reykjavík (after the video for Sigur Rós's Viðrar vel til loftárása)

He stands and waits on a cold winter's evening, right in the middle of the season, in the hope his meeting will be as long as the night ahead.  Maybe even stretch into the following day, signalling a complete rebirth. 

He waits for a childhood friend.  A boy he was torn from, parental and religious influence pulling them apart in the short term and keeping them away from one another since then.  They grew up,  always in one another's hearts and heads, always wanting this meeting but unable to break through the forces keeping it from happening.

He tried to live a lie.  Four children and a thirty year marriage with his mind always elsewhere.  His children, four fountains of beauty and happiness that he could relate to and guide, never hindering their flow, were what kept him from rifling through the phonebook.  

As much as he loved his wife, their relationship was always coated in a layer of phoniness that could not be ignored.  As lovers they died soon after the fourth child, the only girl, and became friends and parents committed to one another until their children moved on, the marriage finally dying when he made that call.

And so he waits on a street corner in Reykjavík for the love of his life- a boy now a man- with memories playing through his mind and breaking into a smile that is caught by that man as he approaches and is returned bridging the enforced and elongated gap.

The video

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