Sunday 26 May 2013

Myths of our Solar System (35): Sedna seethes

She sunk to the bottom, what was left of her hands outstretched and reaching toward the
surface and the sunlight.  At this point she was still in shock, unable to kick her legs and
move upward and she moved ever downward, leaving behind trails of red from the open
wounds where her fingers had been.

It was the stinging from the salt water that started to bring her round and see what her
father had done.  After she’d been on the bottom a while, her fingers joined her (already
showing the smallest signs of transformation) and Sedna began to seethe.

Already with gills on her neck, she saw her future and was angered that she would never
see the land again.  Or her friends and family.  She would never feel the air or the wind in
her hair- her hair that would always be at the will of the water and that she would never be
able to do anything with anyway as she had no fingers.

And the resentment built up until Sedna could no longer simply seethe and bottle it up.

Instead she screamed and from her mouth came the most terrible currents causing a most
awful storm that wrecked men on shores distant from their homes and lasted for some
forty days and nights until Sedna saw from the corner of her eye what her fingers had

She saw seals, polar bears, whales, fish, dolphins, sharks- and all the creatures of the
sea.  And she saw she would not live alone and that she was now the mother of the sea.
Sedna became calm and began to adapt to her new life as she met and learned about her

However, sometimes she would think of what had happened, and she would begin again
to seethe until she exploded once again, sending out another storm through the seas from
her home to all the shores of men.

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