Sunday 17 August 2014

100 Words: The desk that would change everything

He thought buying an old writing desk would change everything.  “The thoughts and writings gone before will inspire me,” he thought.

Once home he sat on the chair and it creaked in a welcoming way.  He moved forward, another creak urged him on.  He leaned down on the desktop, pen in hand, and a further creak said, “This is it!”

But they were misleading.  As he moved his pen and his bum, creak after creak became a cacophony that completely blocked his creativity.  

Before long the desk became a storage cupboard and he worked silently at a flat packed desk.

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt:

PHOTO PROMPT -Copyright - Jan Wayne Fields

Copyright – Jan Wayne Fields


  1. Dear Jim,

    Ah the capricious muse didn't care for the squeaking and creaking. Amusing story.



  2. In the search for inspiration, some writers will go to extremes. I hope the look, smell and feel of the desk provided some before your character relegated it to a dusty corner.

  3. This is fun. The best plans don't always work.

  4. i can imagine the creaks and finally the frustration coming across from your character...hope the desk was inexpensive. if not, that would double the frustration. enjoyed your story!

  5. Jim, Funny and well-written story. : ) I think if I were him, I'd be tempted to sell it on Ebay and buy a modern, inexpenive computer desk and chair that didn't creak. Well done. : ) ---Susan
