Sunday 11 January 2015

100 Words: Unthink ... Begin.

To think the answer had been there all along, right above my head, passing over me every day.  My brain had become a melted mess from too little sleep and too many thoughts and ideas bouncing around and into one another.  It felt like a hundred tiny men were always arguing.

Until that glorious morning when I looked up and saw what I must do to reset.

I sat on a bench nearby, phoned in, said I was running late, and spent the morning unthinking, removing every thought from my head. 

When I stood, I felt clear.

Then I began.

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt:

Begin the Route
PHOTO PROMPT – © Copyright Jean L. Hays


  1. Nice. This is the first story I've read this week that used the Unthink element. I like it.

  2. I like that your charcter had to 'reset'. A nice idea that takes 'unthinking' a step further. We all need to do that at times. Well told.

  3. I like the idea of 'reset'. I must try that. Nicely done.
