Sunday 4 January 2015

100 Words: An old man's secret

An old man now, Richie walked down the stairs he’d abandoned as a child, his assistant helping, walking in front.  

At the bottom he entered the arena where his friends would come to become wealthy young Woody Guthries and stage great wars with hot rocks and sticks.

Until the day Stevie died.  They buried him where he lay and claimed he’d never arrived that day.  

He was still missing, no policeman had ever hypothesised the reality.

Now, with only Richie left, the secret would safely be kept forever.  Unless… 

Across the arena Stevie stared blankly, smiling as only skulls do.

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt:

PHOTO PROMPT - Copyright -Björn Rudberg
PHOTO PROMPT – Copyright -Björn Rudberg


  1. Eep! Creepy creepy! Amazing the things we think, as children, no one must ever find out. And then one day it's like - why was I so ashamed of that? I"m sure it was a terrible accident.

  2. What a terrible secret to have had to carry his whole life. I like how you've contrasted the carefree memories of childhood games with the reality of the staring skull. Gripping.

  3. Dear Jim,

    Secrets have a way of revealing themselves, don't they? Well done.


