Sunday 24 March 2013

Myths of our Solar System (17): Old Father Time (Ideas 1 and 2)

Old Father Time enjoyed his job, as dull and monotonous as it was at heart. He often
likened it to people working in factories who do the same thing again and again throughout
a shift but are able to chat throughout it all.

As he continually turned the handle that moved the cogs of time, Cronos was able to
watch all of existence at work and play. Like the ultimate television fan he happily sat
forever watching and loving every second of what he saw throughout space.


Cronos was concerned. He had lived forever, always knowing that he was not immortal,
that he would only last as long as the earth did. The Nuclear Missile Crisis had been quite
a nasty scare, leaving him nervous for the rest of the Cold War.

Even before it had ended the talk had been about the environment- first CFCs, O Zone
and Global Warming; now it had flared up again under the banners of Oil Shortage, Gulf
Stream Stoppage and Climate Change.

His life was in the hands of humans and that bugged the ancient being. No matter how
long he went on giving them time to live in, they could (at any minute) destroy everything,
obliterating time itself: him.

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