Wednesday 27 March 2013

Attempts to Capture and Tame a Unicorn: (14) Mud, Glorious Mud, Part Two

The worms swam up, wrapping around the unicorn's torso like ropes and beginning to pull her down further into the mud.  How I'd forgotten these bastards I'll never know.  Helpless, she screamed and cried for help.  Feeling both wretched and angry I sprang into action - grabbing the leash and tossing it out to her.  The unicorn held onto it with her mouth, clamping her teeth about the rope and I pulled, trying to reel her out but the rope soon slipped out of her vegetarian teeth's grip.  Though she had come far enough to fend off the worms for a moment.

A Plan B was quickly organised and put into action as I converted the leash into a lasso and wrapped it around her horn, pulling it tight as the worms re-surfaced in greater numbers around her neck and her middle.  The lasso began to slip a little almost immediately.  I held my breath and my stomach lurched with nerves but the unicorn has other ideas.  Her horn had mainly been covered in thin, watery mud which was wiped away easily by the rope’s slipping.  The aura that normally surrounded her returned to this little section of clean horn and in a moment the horn and the rope fused together and I knew this plan could work.

I heaved and ho-ed against the pull of the worms, the unicorn's head going under a couple of times but the rope kept firm, the magic done it could not be undone.  Before long I was winning, the unicorn slowly coming free of the mud until she was able to climb up the bank at the edge leaving those ropey worms behind and we collapsed, relieved and exhausted at the edge of the clearing, breathing heavily, she caked in brown mud, me sodden with sweat. 

The unicorn recovered first, stood, the rope slipping to the ground, and she walked over to where I lay and spat in my face before retreating into the safety of the forest and, no doubt, a cool stream or pool to wash down in.  I cursed and went home alone as I always did.

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