Wednesday 20 March 2013

Attempts to Capture and Tame a Unicorn: (12) My “Pit”

Another classic of TV and film as well as another Danny rip-off - although it was the baddies who used it.... A nice and simple idea, making use of gravity and people’s minds and eyes tricking them, taking things for granted. 

A pit, then, I would dig and cover with twigs, soil and grass so it would look like it wasn't there.  It wouldn't need to be too big I didn't think.  It might be better if she couldn't move very much.  How would I get her out?  Line the hole with a box, I thought, a great metal one, reinforced with more metal, with chains and locks and shit.

I got there early and started to dig, quickly coming across a lot of roots.  Not a problem, I thought, I'll chop them out.  So I got my axe.  It bounced off them like it was rubber.  My saw rattled and snapped on them.  I tried to dig around to find a bit without these giant drinking straws.  It was hard going but I got there to find rocks which I tried to pick out only to find they were boulders too big and heavy for a team of strongmen, let alone just little old me.  Next to these, the earth was filled with worms as thick as sausages and as long as foot-long rulers that could jump.  And they did, mouths open, attaching themselves to my clothes for no discernible reason other than to just hang there.  More and more of them until my shirt was covered with the blighters

By now it was mid-afternoon and the unicorn arrived.  She walked to the edge of my own clearing - a shallow mess looking like an archaeologist's bad day or a child gone mad in a flower bed - most of the top soil in the clearing had been up-turned and put roughly into piles all over the shop.  And there was me, doing some sort of crazed jig, shaking my arms and legs to try and rid myself of these terrible worms.

Out the corner of my eye I saw her look at me with such disdain, so unimpressed at this pathetic attempt, shaking her head, turning and walking away.  At this point the worms lost interest and dropped back to earth, quickly disappearing into it and I trekked back to the van cursing under my breath all the way home.

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