Friday 6 June 2014

100 Words: Potential

“It has a lot of potential,” the owner said to me as he talked about and showed me his old, classic, VW camper, “It’s full of it, in fact.”

A salesman had said that to me before, the first time I bought a car.  It was an Austin Allegro and I was young (seventeen, my license freshly printed) and cocksure.  I would spend my weekends doing it up, I told my Dad, get the manual, do it all right.

It is still on my parents’ drive, grass growing from the roof.

I imagined this the same, and walked right away.

Written for the Light and Shade Challenge from the both the picture prompt:

Image taken by Lyssa Medana


  1. A wise move.
    I enjoyed your take on the prompt.

  2. Paved with good intentions!

  3. It was full of more than potential I think. wise choice & well conveyed.

  4. That was the triumph of experience over hope. Lyssa M x
