Monday 13 January 2014

250 Words: Edited excerpt from My Experience of Corduroy Girl

I remember it like yesterday; can watch it on the back of my eyelids like a film.  After all, it’s not every day that an event (whether disaster, accident or evil interlude) occurs that brings you a superhero.  Because, in reality, superheroes do not confine themselves to a particular city or town.  Hence they are “super.”  Really, Superman is a bit lame to commit himself to Metropolis and Batman selfish to never leave Gotham.  These are but strong men, not super.

In actual fact, superheroes will go wherever they are called.  Will go to where the problem they are required to solve actually is.  And they will do this until such a time as they can retire and go back to a normal life. 

My superhero encounter, of course, took place during the time of the “Material Superheroes.”  For those who are too young, they came after the “Underwear Heroes” and before the “Eye Colour Super-People;” long before such abominations as the “Credit Card Wonders” and the bloody “Coffee Shop Kids.”  How the latter ever worked, exactly, I’ll never know. 

No, the “Material Superheroes” were the Real McCoy, the old sort of hero, before they began to seek fame and become all conceited and superior.  Then, as now, though, the origins of the superheroes was a mystery.  All that was known was that, when it was time for a new set of heroes to be chosen, they just appeared.  And that they are well looked after while they are superheroes.  

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