Wednesday 22 October 2014

100 Words: Thinking Bench

I sat there, on my last night before leaving the country, thinking about how it had changed for me. 

I used to sit in the same place as a child thinking about the life I had planned out in my mind.

Then I discovered there was a rest of the world and my country suddenly seemed very small indeed.

Following years of work and planning, I sat there contemplating my new and immediate future.

I wasn’t scared, I was excited, full of such gleaming excitement to leave for the wider world.

Now back, my wanderlust fulfilled, I wonder, “What next?”

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt:

PHOTO PROMPT Copyright- The Reclining Gentleman 


  1. Dear jim,

    Indeed. What next?



  2. Is the bench magical? Like a flying carpet? Wouldn't it be fun if it was, and if it was for real? Or is it?

  3. I like your description of the "what next" after the adventure. Sometimes the end of something major like that leaves an empty feeling.

  4. Dear Jim, Great story and I think all of us have dreamed about the future and wondered what was to be. Good job! Nan :)

  5. Dear Jim, Your narrator is lucky to travel so much wanderlust is sated. Great story. I'm sure many feel like this, not just after travel but in the search for life's meaning. Thanks, LHN.
