Friday 10 October 2014

100 Words: A Block and a Clearance

I sat staring at the keys, knowing there was potential in every note and setting, yet seeing nothing.

Ground down by too many bad films, I just couldn’t find the score for this one.  All I found was annoying looks on smug faces and all I felt was the urge to punch them.

I sat staring at the keys wondering how I had ended up in such a dead end world.

I quit and returned to New England, took jobs on TV, in theatres and returned at last to My Piece- finished it, had it performed by a school orchestra.

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt:

Copyright-Rochelle Fields 


  1. Good story. Sometimes leaving it and coming back to it helps. Good job too! Nan ;)

  2. Maybe the school orchestra is not what your character was shooting for, but I don't know, I think there is a kind of perfection in this. Who better to play it than today's youth? Even better.

  3. Dear Jim,

    At least someone played his music. Nice one.


