Friday 1 November 2013

250 Words: Couple No 3: Lover’s Pact

In a darkened room a couple move past sweet nothings and think about their future.  They talk about moving in together- an idea that makes sense given the amount of time they spend together.  This topic soon leads to the thought of commitment: something so far largely untouched between them, though with others they have mentioned long term.

And soon they reach the nub of it.

Their love holds few conditions and these they outline in a lover’s pact that will bind them together.  A script to stick to or use spontaneously to breed romance.  Personal vows requiring not witnesses or law.  A secret between them, a counsel to keep.

All I want from you is to keep me; keep me in that special box by your bed.

I will keep you; I will keep you in my heart and in my head.

Hold me; take me out every night and hold me tight.

I promise to hold you; through the good times and the bad.

Love me; kiss me whenever we meet, never let us die.

I shall always love you; water you with love, never let us die.

Heal me; lick my wounds, patch me up.

I will heal you; nurse you and revive you.

Warm me; lay your head on my chest, put your arms around me.

I’ll warm you; put my arms around you, always keep you close.

If they do these things every favour will be returned.  With this lover’s pact they seal their love.

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