Saturday 18 April 2015

100 Words: While away from my body

While away from my body, I wondered about the mess this would make in the street and how it would affect the street sweepers who came every Tuesday, rudely waking me up on my lazier mornings.

While away from my body, I watched the smoke blooming out of the house and marvelled at the shapes it created as it slowly grew further before blurring out of shape and into a formless nothingness.  

While I away from my body it slowly drifted to sleep forever as I daydreamed right to the end, avoiding the question of why I’d been so careless.  

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt:

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot
PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot


  1. Love the dreamy feel: well done.

  2. Dear James,

    I like the repetition of "while I was away from my body" that's detachment.



  3. Nicely done, there is a haunting sadness to this story.
