Friday, 7 February 2025

100 Words: Tsundoku

He had had every intention of reading every single one of the books acquired and placed ready to read on that desk.  He had had every intention of using that desk to write following the study of those books.  But now he was a tower builder.  Both in his silent study and the playroom full of the clicks and clacks of Duplo being built ever higher until the inevitable collapse.

“One day,” he would often say to the books as he had a look and adjusted the tower to make it safer, playing his endless game of tsundoku. 

One day…

Presumably written for Friday Fictioneers from a picture prompt but not published at the time (April 2024). 

Thursday, 6 February 2025

A man of few words

"I've never been a fan of talking," he said.

And then left the story.

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

100 Words: I should remember

I should remember the bar. I should remember the staff. I should remember the drinks on sale.

I remember nothing.

Yet I woke with a glass printed with its name in my hand.

They remember me. They ask me to leave. They say that I am barred. They say I must never return.

I place the glass on the bar, my hands and head empty.

And no one will tell me anything. And no one will look me in the eye. And no one will return my calls. And no one wants to know me.

So what the hell happened?

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt (see here for other stories):