Wednesday, 5 October 2016

100 Words: Clan

My Nan turned to me, a glint in her eye that I only ever saw at weddings accompanied by a mischievous, cheeky smile, and said, “Do you think there’ll be a punch-up?”

With our clan, it wasn’t possible, nor was it probable.  It was flipping inevitable. 

What I didn’t know then was that Nan always started them. 

About a month before.

The only person with everyone’s ear, she started the rumours in good time to let them bed down and breathe in a little truth. 

Once the foundations were laid, the only questions were: How many, How ferocious, How soon?

Written for the 100 Word Challenge on Thin Spiral Notebook; the prompt was the word, Clan.


  1. I like Nan. She sounds like she'd be great fun at parties.

    (The first link you added to the submission list was broken, I fixed that so hopefully the others can find you now.)

    1. Thanks for fixing my link :)

      Yeah, my Nan's a lovely lass.

  2. Ha! Yes, Nan sounds like a Blast. Fab X
