Their brains lightly smooshed, they walked along talking quickly, such was their eagerness to continue getting to know one another; a fluency forged online having been found as smoothly in real life.
The only question was how quickly would they move?
Walking at arm’s length, each wondered if they should reach out and take a hand. And, if they did, would a kiss goodbye, or, goodness gracious, if that was OK, an invitation home occur?
“No,” something, or someone, under the smooshing said, “You’ve had too much wine to decide; and all the time in the world. Just hold hands.”
The only question was how quickly would they move?
Walking at arm’s length, each wondered if they should reach out and take a hand. And, if they did, would a kiss goodbye, or, goodness gracious, if that was OK, an invitation home occur?
“No,” something, or someone, under the smooshing said, “You’ve had too much wine to decide; and all the time in the world. Just hold hands.”
Written for the 100 Word Challenge on Thin Spiral Notebook; the prompt was the word, Wine.
Since exchanging some tweets a couple of years ago now, myself and some fellow Librarians have been writing and producing a podcast set in a strange University Library; well, Librarynth.
The first episode is available to listen to now on Soundcloud. there you will find Mrs Strangeways, Lara the Lost Library Assistant and Eddie Roam the reindeer that provide wifi, among others..
A critical moment in a budding romance.