Friday, 4 September 2015

100 Words: The Endless Tower

Every floor is different, each level a new age or style.  Onwards and upwards forever.

A short lift ride or stair stride and you enter another world, speak to people in a different parlance, in outdated or futuristic slang.

I made it my task to go ever up and witness the futures of mankind, to see what mysteries we would solve and how far from the tower we would venture. 

Everything was amazing; the further I went, the madder, the more brilliant it got.  Even on the last occupied floor. 

Beyond that was quiet nothingness with no trace of why. 

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt:

PHOTO PROMPT - © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields 
PHOTO PROMPT – © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields


  1. Like a potted history?
    Good piece.

  2. Dear James,

    And interesting journey. Well done.



  3. Wonderfully descriptive. I journeyed with you up each floor, peering into each door. Pausing to listen & speculate. expectant. Nicely done. Consider yourself invited to visit mine own contribution . SHandra

  4. The higher you went the better it got until... oh well! Nice one.
    Rosey Pinkerton's blog

  5. That's an intriguing idea - I wonder if it would be good for us to know the future. I suspect not. I love your ending, and the build-up to it - everything getting madder and more brilliant, then nothing. Wow.

  6. A physical journey to the future? What fun!

  7. Wondeful, very imaginatve story.
