Tuesday, 29 November 2016

100 Words: When dinner goes on too long at the wrong time


Why does dinner on these days go on so looooooooong.


Why do they have to be so formal?


Haven’t they heard of TV dinners?  My friends all have them.


Why, right now, would they make me eat all my vegetables.  

Even those I’ve hidden.


Yes, open mouth, you can see I’ve had them all.  

Ah, plate going away...


This is the one time I don’t want pudding.


No, not ice cream, but the hottest pudding ever… but… ouch… gone…. 


All sweetness and light.  

“Can I get down now, please?”  




Written for the 100 Word Challenge on Thin Spiral Notebook; the prompt was the word, Dinner.

Monday, 28 November 2016

100 Words: What's behind the door? and What's behind the door

I used to walk past that simple wooden door with its chain that said something but did little.  I knew I should not approach and go through the door, yet that which was supposed to stop me was so pathetic it seemed more like an invitation.

From the age of six I would wonder what was behind that door.  At 13 I found out.

Randomly choose an ending: Either 1) a, 2) b, or 3) c

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt:


100 Words: What's behind the door? and What's behind the door (a)

I used to walk past that simple wooden door with its chain that said something but did little.  I knew I should not approach and go through the door, yet that which was supposed to stop me was so pathetic it seemed more like an invitation.

From the age of six I would wonder what was behind that door.  At 13 I found out.

There was nothing spectacular, though. 

When I picked the lock and opened the door I discovered the building was a facade only, a construction hiding an exposed section of railway.

If it weren’t for the chain…

Return to pick another ending.

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt:


100 Words: What's behind the door? and What's behind the door (b)

I used to walk past that simple wooden door with its chain that said something but did little.  I knew I should not approach and go through the door, yet that which was supposed to stop me was so pathetic it seemed more like an invitation.

From the age of six I would wonder what was behind that door.  At 13 I found out.

There were ten of them. 

Dark wizards, all, with piercing eyes and crooked, gnarled wands. 

Come to uncover our plot, they asked with a wicked grin before releasing me back into the world as a frog.

Return to pick another ending.

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt:


100 Words: What's behind the door? and What's behind the door (c)

I used to walk past that simple wooden door with its chain that said something but did little.  I knew I should not approach and go through the door, yet that which was supposed to stop me was so pathetic it seemed more like an invitation.

From the age of six I would wonder what was behind that door.  At 13 I found out.

I met a man who didn’t want to be bothered.

A fascinating man who’d made himself lonely following a much too full young life.

We became firm friends and I accompanied him in his final years.

Return to pick another ending.

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt:


Saturday, 19 November 2016

100 Words: After the Proposal

I want to show you how my body transforms, why we cannot spend every night together, why I sometimes sport bruises and cuts, why I often run out on you during films or halfway through dinner.  Why I’ve never let you down here.

Take the keys, do not let me out of this cage.  Once changed this will be easy but as it starts I will call out in pain and the animal inside will try to persuade you before I lose my speech.

I’m sorry, but if you want to marry me you must know everything about your wife.  

Written for the 100 Word Challenge on Thin Spiral Notebook; the prompt was the word, Transform.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

100 Words: 100 Notes

He sat with his cello, bow held ready in mid-air and started to run, within his mind auditorium, through every possible combination of 100 notes until he found one that fitted and, returning to his own place and time, played that combination out loud before committing it to notation paper.

Such was his life.  A methodical existence for a methodical man.  He never knew if any of it was any good, or even if anyone else ever liked what he produced.  He merely had this compulsion and could not function if he did not churn out his 100 Note compositions.

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt:

PHOTO PROMPT © Björn Rudeberg 
PHOTO PROMPT © Björn Rudberg


Monday, 14 November 2016

100 Words: Distant Vigilante

I keep watch from above, crawling across the rooftops, taking note, remembering faces and events, waiting.

No one in the city looks up, only down, avoiding stares or focusing on themselves.  I am well hidden, even against the colourful tiling.

I follow the crime, mostly, all kinds, the financial districts and alleyways take up much of my time.  And the police as they avoid the same places or turn a blind eye.

I take pictures, make reports, file them with the authorities and newspapers.  Not a lot happens.

You think I should go down there.  I am not that kind.

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt:

PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook 
PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook