Wednesday, 17 August 2022

100 Words: A basic sketch

I first saw you distorted through a glass - primary colours creating a basic, idealised sketch of you.  A picture in my mind formed before ever trying to discover a person full of intricate details.

Some part of me always knew this but it kept quiet.  That’s why I never listened or took an interest.  That’s why I never asked you out.  I loved an idea of you but never actually tried to know you.

I saw you with your family today, undistorted for the first time; remembered things, realised how incompatible we were.  And I smiled the happiest of smiles.

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt (see here for other stories): 

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields


  1. Everything happens for a reason.
    Glad that the protagonist realized that she/he had made the right decision!

    This is the "undistorted" reality. Wise story.

  2. Maybe the person we love never really exists

  3. Interesting (vicarious) character study. Well done.

  4. Right. Reality. Nobody likes it. Well done.

    1. Nope, reality can suck. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  5. Oh, the moments we thought were one thing were actually another. Perhaps, the distortion was a clue he didn't want to see and, then, did. Nicely penned ... Isadora 😎

  6. Not all love stories end with unhappiness or the couple together :)
