I saw a storage facility on TV and recognised potential.
In each room something different, each organised to the nth degree.
Bliss (well, Dewey), it would be.
I became very rich, very young, and quickly realised my dream.
Just one room at first, each collection given its own section.
Then a couple, three, four… you get the picture.
Now I have my own purpose built facility. Hundreds of rooms organised by my own custom Dewey (Melvil was a little too Nineteenth-Century-Minded for me).
Across them, vast collections of things. If you can think of it, I’ve probably got them all.
In each room something different, each organised to the nth degree.
Bliss (well, Dewey), it would be.
I became very rich, very young, and quickly realised my dream.
Just one room at first, each collection given its own section.
Then a couple, three, four… you get the picture.
Now I have my own purpose built facility. Hundreds of rooms organised by my own custom Dewey (Melvil was a little too Nineteenth-Century-Minded for me).
Across them, vast collections of things. If you can think of it, I’ve probably got them all.
Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt (apologies for the Library Classification scheme joke but #iamalibrarian):
I think I would prefer not to have it all..