Friday, 3 June 2016

100 Words: Set and Horus, Horus and Set

Set against one another for hours, the Gods of Harmful and Beneficial Storms faced off at the point where the civilised cities crumbled away into the chaos of the desert.  Nephew fought Uncle in an act of avengement, Horus seeking also to rid the world Set’s terrible powers.

All afternoon the two storms came together and intermingled, few of the onlookers really understanding what was happening or who was winning.

When they finally came apart, though, shortly before the sun and Ra made their quick descent underground, Ra saw that it would take at least another day to settle down.

Written for the 100 Word Challenge on Thin Spiral Notebook; the prompt was the word, Weather.  

Sorry, it feels like a bit of a nothing story, this one.


  1. This was a very accurate description of a hurricane. It does feel like being in the middle of a great battle between gods.

  2. A good use of ancient myths.


    Ally :)

  3. Great battles always last longer than you expect. Excellent story!
