Sunday 6 October 2013

250 Words: Annoying the staff at a well-known High Street bank

So I’m in a well-known High Street bank filling out a paying-in slip of a (pay) cheque (the biggest I have EVER received; which is nice) and there is this beeping coming from my right.
I try and ignore it, continue with the slip- writing out the date, account details, amount or whatever but eventually look round to see money sticking out of a cash machine, its owner having left the building- something I know because I have checked.
I go back to what I was doing, thinking it’ll get sucked back up, it’ll be fine.  But the beeping, it continues- it gets in my head, stirs it around, increases nerves and/or tension and, naturally, I panic and take the money.
No, no, faithful reader, I don’t put it in my pocket.  Yet.  I pop it in front of me for the mo’, see if the chatty chap who left it returns.  I pay in me cheque, cash in pocket now, but still there is no returning recoverer so I approach a member of staff and explain what has happened.  She doesn’t seem too bothered, I don’t think.  Until I hand her the money.  Then she looks agitated .  I sort of murmur the question, “Would it have been sucked back up?”  She seems to say, “Yes” and is clearly perturbed at the extra work that I have given her.
Balls and tools.  Guess I’ll leave it if there is a next time.
She thanked me, though, all the same.

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