Thursday, 14 December 2023

100 Words: Fast Track

The banks of flickering candles hold the prayers of the people, their warmth pushing the wishes high up to heaven.  Each holds a hope or a dream or a wish.  Something that has been asked for, wholeheartedly.

Sitting in a pew a small girl watches others as they pray and light candles, fixing in her mind exactly what she would say if she had a coin.

In her heart, though, she says the prayer.  

Unseen by anyone, an angel sits beside her and whispers that it shall be done.

Moments later, Oliver-style, she meets the couple who would adopt her.

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt (see here for other stories): 

PHOTO PROMPT © Susan Rouchard


  1. Ah. That's a better outcome. I love the silent angel sitting beside her. Nicely put.

  2. A beautiful ending to this story.
