Friday, 10 March 2023

100 Words: The Explosion Above the Table

There it sat above the table, an explosion frozen in mid-flight, its light casting shadows over us all as we looked on, shocked by the revelations revealed.

Wind back over forty years to that very room.  Five couples, a bowl containing sets of keys, a house of cards being unknowingly built.

I’d always thought I looked a bit like “Uncle” Bill, always felt he treated me a little differently to the others.  That my father was more distant with me.

As the explosion faded and we all came back to ourselves, the tears began to fall.  My new life began.

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt (see here for other stories): 

PHOTO PROMPT © Jennifer Pendergast


  1. I like what you didn't say as much as what you did. Why do families keep those secrets for so long? Better to air them and process them than to have them explode a life 40 years later.

  2. Now with Ancestry and DNA matching, this story rings true for many. :-)
