Friday, 8 January 2021

100 Words: Untitled

I was organised for years.  Every aspect of my life I had control over was rigorously sorted.  Everything was in its right place.  And inside, my mind functioned as a perfectly oiled and ordered machine, barely a thought went astray.

And then you disappeared.

I could never remember a thing.  I missed trains, lost pencils, our dog ran away.  I sat and stared.  Everything blurred and streaked away.  I regressed back to the days of caves, my world narrowed to the shadows on the wall from the outside world.  Nothing I saw made sense anymore.  

Organisation became a distant memory.

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt (see here for other stories): 

PHOTO PROMPT © Jan Wayne Fields


  1. Life has a habit of kicking you just when you think you've got it sorted. Good write.

  2. A key feature of life, and everything disintegrates when it's lost.

  3. I can empathize with the character. Good story.

  4. I think I might feel that way if I lost my day-planner? Enjoyed!!
