Wednesday, 28 September 2016

100 Words: Untitled

I saw a storage facility on TV and recognised potential.

In each room something different, each organised to the nth degree.

Bliss (well, Dewey), it would be.

I became very rich, very young, and quickly realised my dream.

Just one room at first, each collection given its own section.

Then a couple, three, four… you get the picture.

Now I have my own purpose built facility.  Hundreds of rooms organised by my own custom Dewey (Melvil was a little too Nineteenth-Century-Minded for me).

Across them, vast collections of things.  If you can think of it, I’ve probably got them all.

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt (apologies for the Library Classification scheme joke but #iamalibrarian):


100 Words: Sing me to sleep

When I can no longer move, sing me to sleep.

When I only sit and stare, please sing me to sleep.

When I can no longer talk, write, wink.. converse with you at all, then sing me to sleep.

And when I can no longer hold your hand, squeeze or hug you, please sing me to sleep.

Take me and sing me to sleep.


Unless we have kids.

If we have kids, please park me in the corner of the room so I never miss a thing.

And sing me to sleep, I want to always hear your voice.

Written for the 100 Word Challenge on Thin Spiral Notebook; the prompt was the word, Sleep.

Upon reading the prompt, the song Asleep by The Smiths entered my head, and I could not get away from it; and from there came my title.

Sunday, 25 September 2016

100 Words: Getting my fair share

We shared the food the usual way: divided into bowls, each one assigned a playing card.  Then we drew cards from a second pack to determine who got which bowl.  Only way to avoid arguments over who got the biggest portion.

I always seemed to draw the smallest portion.  Steve the largest, then Darrel.  

By week six I was sure it was fixed.  And I was desperate for meat.

I killed those two first, the other three when they found me spit roasting them.

Their bones buried deep, the food should last much longer as I wait to be found.

Written for the 100 Word Challenge on Thin Spiral Notebook; the prompt was the word, Share.

100 Words: Under Neon Starlight

Under neon starlight we hold hands and walk along the strip, our fifth meeting since the days of reading messages from one another on computer screens, our faces lit by their pallid glare, as we smiled our first joint smiles.

Now, our faces and arms change colour- alien green, sea monster blue, blushing red- as we smile ever bigger smiles.

Under neon starlight we consummate our love, light guiding the way before we learn it by heart; or because we moved too fast to turn off the lights.  

In a world of artifice, I think we have found real life.

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt:

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot
PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

100 Words: The Reclusive Writer

He would not accept the term, “Mind Palace,” and refused to believe in imaginary worlds.  The writer, though, wrote nothing down whilst “writing” almost constantly.

Instead, within his head lived the plans and dreams that formed the basis for an entire fantasy world.  A new Gormenghast, perhaps, or Narnia.  If he could make it any good.  

And there it stayed.  An encyclopedia of unordered daydreams he was too scared to commit to paper or screen.

A Dark Warrior stalks my mind.  Reminding me and stalling me.  I seek his guidance and he walks away leaving me a trail of stories.

Written for the 100 Word Challenge on Thin Spiral Notebook; the prompt was the word, Recluse (after three months of failing to take part, this seemed too good a word not to get back in)