Saturday, 30 May 2015

The Attempt to Go Back

When This World was new, and while Jupiter and The Six helped to establish the survivors from the First World in it, there were those he could not settle, who sought to rebuild all they had lost.

This group, many of whom had been hedonistic Helios hangers-on, left to build a new tower. They began by trying to locate the stones of the tower that was but Mother had buried them when she lay down and became the earth.  

To the forest they turned and began to fell it, beginning the construction of a New World large enough to house the survivors as well as the Tree of Life, a small party having gone in search of it.

Jupiter often visited, seeing both hope (for a grand shelter) and doom (for it could never be what they wanted) in the project, hoping to make the builders see it as he did, as it truly was; but they would not do so.

Neither could, or would, they foresee their eventual defeat- for you cannot recapture what has passed, to go back and undo the past.  The future is the only place one can go, can seek, can plan for.

Written for Flash! Friday from the following picture prompt and including the required theme of Defeat.

Construction of the Statue of Liberty's Pedestal
Construction of the Statue of Liberty’s Pedestal. CC2.0 photo by National Parks Service, Statue of Liberty ca 1875.

Friday, 22 May 2015

Man vs his own nature; or Too much coffee today to think properly right now?; or just “Man” vs Nature

“Freeze it,” she suggested, “It’s the only way, surely.  That’s how we conquered Scan...”


“These things are sent to try us.  All you can do is freeze it,” she suggested.  “It’s the only way, surely.  It’s what we did in the north, we can do it here.”


“These things are sent to try us, Alan, all we have to do is freeze it.  What other way is there?”


I got uncomfortable with my own idea; it felt too colonial, too oppressive.  Even setting it away from Africa in a fantasy world still wouldn’t sit right with me.

Freezing a waterfall in Africa to defeat a local tribe (or Nature herself?)?  I mean, please.

And with magic, it’s too easy.  Almost-anti-nature vs earth wizards doesn’t fit well here, either.


At the start of things, “Man” and Nature were pitted against one another in a struggle to see who would dominate the other across time.

Challenged to climb a great waterfall, “Man” looked across the ages to see the tools at “his” disposal.  Seeing how differently humans and nature would evolve “he” smiled, produced a device to freeze the waterfall, and clambered up it.

Seeing his shortsightedness, Nature smiled, conceded defeat and looked to the long game.

Written for Flash! Friday from the following picture prompt and including the required story element of Conflict: Man vs Nature.

Victoria Falls. CC2.0 photo by Tee La Rosa. Victoria Falls. CC2.0 photo by Tee La Rosa.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

100 Words: Drops

Not much left, just a few drops of water.  The experiment was a success.  If anyone even saw these, they’d never think of them as evidence.  They certainly couldn’t trace them back, I don’t think, to their previous home.  Still; might be best to stop that from happening.  It’s not quite perfect and I don’t like imperfection.

That’s why I tried it on him first, why everything I now do needs to be perfect so suspicion does not come to our; no, my door.  Careful now.  For the time being it is privately the latter while publically the former, please.

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt:

FF_santoshwriter (1) 

100 Words: Forced Reverence (two versions)

When reverence is forced, dissent will grow, as many a ruler has come to find when those they rule do not all follow.  Each time the knee is forcibly bent, a steeliness grows deep in the eye- you can see it if you look, they tell me now.

In some it will be seen early enough and that toadstool will be felled.  But, when shaken, the spores spread with the news on the wind and those that follow will hide it better. 

And you will reap what you sow, as I found out when the metaphorical dagger entered my back.


When reverence is forced, dissent will grow, as many a ruler has come to find when those they rule do not all follow.  Each time the knee is forcibly bent, a steeliness grows deep in the eye- you can see it if you look, they tell me now.

In some it will be seen early enough and that toadstool will be felled.  But when shaken the spores spread with the news on the wind and those that follow will hide it better. 

And the poison of forced reverence will sooner or later enter the ruler’s mouth.

As it did mine.

Written for 100 Word Challenge #423 on Velvet Verbosity; the prompt was the word Reverence.